The Chakra Lady


New branding and collateral for a wellness center


This client was starting a life coach/consulting website that aimed to provide spiritual advice and enrichment. With a background in philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, reiki, yoga, tarot, reflexology, and mediumship, this client was uniquely in-tune with the design process.

The process began by researching the concept of chakra alignment, femininity, and fertility throughout different cultures. We narrowed the conceptualization down to focusing on the ancient image of a fertility goddess and emphasizing the spiritual chakra above the head.

Once the main concept was recognized, we narrowed the form to better represent the actual physical appearance of the client and brought the chakra closer to the body by bending the arms. This change helped condense the form to create a more connected combination logo mark, as well as symbolizing bringing the spirit closer to the body for her clientele.
